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A Letter from a Consumer Proposal Client

Helping people when they are at one of the lowest points in their lives in what we do best at A. Farber & Partners. All of our staff are dedicated to helping people alleviate the financial pressures they are experiencing and, most important of all, giving them a second chance.

So when we get testimonial letters like the one below, we like to share it with the world:

Dear Jennifer & Linda:

The day that I got to meet you two was such a blessing. Hurrah, the consumer proposal is now over; however it still has a memory that I’m determined from which to learn.

I feel very fortunate that timing was on my side. Thank Heaven for Family Services and for Heidi reaching you and you being available to see me. That was the beginning. Now, I may feel that this is the end but it’s just the next stage.

You two made my job so easy. Once you explained everything to me and we finalized my paperwork all I had to do was get you my consumer proposal payment each month. But you gave me so much more — and this is where not only your knowledge kicked in but your wonderful personalities. Your utmost patience at my umpteen calls, small questions, big questions – you accepted them all and still managed to make me feel special.

Thank you both so much from the bottom of my heart.

D. S.